Home > Our services > Recovery and Mental Health > Community Rehabilitation > Volunteer with us
Volunteer with us
The Community Rehabilitation Service supports people living with complex mental health problems to achieve their goals and gain the skills and confidence to live as independently as possible.
The service is led by a clinical psychologist and aims to bring together social, psychological and medical approaches, giving everyone intensive, tailored support from a team of professionals. Specialist staff provide a range of interventions to help people manage their mental health effectively and live as independently as possible.
The service is led by Second Step together with its partners Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust and Missing Link.
Volunteers provide important additional support to the service users in various roles. These include:
- Face to face mentoring
- Telephone Support
- Supporting a group (including Cooking, Walking, Music and Art groups )
- Service user feedback role (Supporting service users complete feedback surveys)
Current opportunities
Activities Volunteer
For more information, or if you would like to get involved, please contact volunteering@second-step.co.uk
Taking Mental Health Outside
By watching our photo-essay (below), called Taking Mental Health Outside you’ll find out more about what we do. Taking Mental Health Outside is the result of a four-month experimental film project with staff, volunteers, peer workers and clients from the Community Rehabilitation Service which is both poignant and deeply personal.
Client stories
Surviving or Thriving. Read about a former client’s recovery story.
We were delighted our innovative work was recognised nationally when the service won the Collaboration (Integration) award at Third Sector Care Awards in 2017.