Mixed Homelessness Pathway resources library
The Mixed Homelessness Pathway is a partnership of Second Step, Places for People, Riverside and St Mungo’s. The Mixed Pathway is commissioned by Bristol City Council to provide support that prevents people from becoming homeless and helps people to recover from homelessness.
This page contains resources including policies, procedures and processes for all staff working within the Mixed Pathway. If you would like to add or update any of the content please contact jeremy.white@second-step.co.uk.
Mixed Pathway Customer Referral Process and Training
This outlines the 2 week handover process staff follow when referring customers across the pathway.
Mixed Pathway Referral Criteria
Mixed pathway referral criteria, the criteria are not intended as barriers but aimed to support moves through the pathway by helping staff to understand what providers offer.
Staff Forum / Staff Shadowing
The aim of this book to provide staff with an overview of the Mixed Accommodation Pathway, giving details of what types accommodation is offered to clients, where accommodation is across Bristol and how clients are supported whilst on the pathway.
Mixed Pathway Staff Handbook
This contains dates of meetings and who the staff representatives from each partner are.
A list of fixed days when staff shadowing can occur within partner agencies.
ROADS Services
ROADS, Recovery Orientated Alcohol and Drugs Service. The presentation provides a general overview of ROADS services across the city.
Pages 3 - 5 there are details of Early Intervention Services
Page 11 details of ROADS peer program
Page 12 details of Family and Carers Services