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Debt and Money Management
Poor mental health can make earning and managing money harder. And worrying about money can make your mental health worse. Here, you can find out more about organising your finances, claiming benefits and dealing with services.
If you are having thoughts of suicide or acts of self harm, or you are worried about someone else please dial 999 or call the Samaritans on 116 123 for free. There are other local support lines that can help such as Somerset Mindline on 01823 276 892.
UK Government
UK Citizens Advice debt Service
Step Up Somerset

Other Financial Advice & Support Resources
Money Helper https://www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en?source=mas# Free and impartial money advice, set up by government.
Turn to Us https://www.turn2us.org.uk/ - A national charity helping people when times get tough.
Navigate https://www.navigatecharity.org.uk/services/money-debt-advice/ - Our services provide free, impartial, confidential and effective money and debt management advice.
West Somerset Advice http://www.westsomersetadvice.org.uk/?page_id=174 - Local Assistance Scheme - Help in a Crisis.
Debt Advice Service https://thedebtadviceservice.co.uk
Somerset and West Council https://www.somersetwestandtaunton.gov.uk/
Debt Free South West https://debtfreesouthwest.uk
Somerset Credit Union https://www.somersetccu.uk/
Mendip Community Credit Union http://www.mendipcommunitycu.org.uk/
Christians Against Poverty https://capuk.org/